
The Utah Tour Guide Association (UTGA) was created:

  • To promote the highest degree of professionalism for those individuals who function as tour guides and to provide ethical and professional standards against which all Utah tour guides are measured;
  • To develop camaraderie between Utah tour guides, offer a forum for social enjoyment, foster common business interests, and provide a variety of networking opportunities;
  • To provide continuing education and pertinent updates for the benefit and improvement of its members;
  • To cooperate with other related organizations in a common endeavor to promote the value of UTGA members and tourism in the State of Utah.

Read our full bylaws

Descriptions and photos of past UTGA events


In 2004, several Utah guides and service providers came together with the intention of improving the overall tour experience for visitors of the State of Utah and to promote the visibility, importance, and understanding of professional tourist guides and created the Utah Tour Guide Association. Since it’s creation UTGA has created a system that is making a difference in the state tourism industry. UTGA also serves as a point of contact for clients who wish to engage a member guide for step-on or over-the-road services.